

The concept of Heat Resistant Waterproof Paint is quite simply creates a thermal barrier which reflects heat once the paint / coating has dried. Heat Resistant Waterproof Paint contains high quality Glass Bubble particles encased in a high-grade acrylic emulsion. The thermal insulating coating that will reduces radiative and conducted heat to produce dramatic temperature differentials. Heat Resistant Waterproof Paint is the top choice for a wide variety of thermal insulating paint and waterproofing applications on metal, concrete and wood surfaces.
產品技術資料表 安全成份表
  • High quality glass bubble to reduce radiant heat.
  • Moisture protection and heat dissipation.
  • Crack-free coating flexibility that responds to substrate contraction / expansion.
  • Cost-saving longevity. Energy efficiency for equipment and buildings.
  • Easy application. No priming needed when apply on the metal surface.
Tools Nylon / Polyester Brush, Sponge Paint Roller, Sprayer
Drying Time Touch Dry 1-2 Hours, Recoat 3-4 Hours (at 25°C)
Thickness Wet 500 µm, Dry 300 µm
Available Sheen Flat
Viscosity 13,000-14,000 m.Pas at 25°C
Solid Content 62%±2%
Available Size 5 Gallon
Thinner Water
Shelf Life 36 months unopened condition
Color White, Light Gray
Surface Preparation
  • All new masonry, concrete, cement or block must be cured for 30 days at recommended.
  • Remove all loose paint and defective paint if possible, oil, fluid, moss or other substances on the surface. In severe cases, wash the surface with water, make sure the surface is completely dried and clean. All holes cracks must be properly patched.
Application Details
  • Product must be completely agitated (mechanically or manually) before use.
  • Intermix containers of same product to ensure color and seen uniformity.
  • Dilution is not recommended. However if the dilution is required, do not dilute more than 10% of clean water.
  • Priming and application of two coats at the recommended film thickness / practical coverage when application to new surfaces.
  • Priming may not be needed when application on previously painted. Consult with your representative before application. Priming is no needed when application on the metal surface.
  • Metal Surface (Shipping Containers, Factories, Accommodation Units, Electrical Cabinets).
  • Concrete Block, CMU, Brick Stucco, Cement, Concrete Surface, Cement Composition Siding / Panel, Asbestos and Wood.
  • 12m2 Coverage per Gallon